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Bouquets of carnations Send bouquets of carnations

The carnations are the most used flowers in the bouquets like the greenery. The bouquets, arranged with carnations look more luxuriant, more colourful with unique, delicate scent.

31.96$ 82.42$

Send a bouquet of flowers to Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas.



Send a bouquet of various flowers.



Carnation bouquet in fresh mellow colours
Save 4.49$


$31.96 $36.44

Order online bouquet of Pink carnations

Pink carnations


Bouquet of red pink and white carnations

Colourful adventure


Bouquet of red carnations



Send a bouquet of white carnations.

White carnations


Clasic bouquet of red gerberas and chrysanthemums.
Save 3.92$


$82.42 $86.34

Beautiful bouquet of white flowers and greenery
Save 8.41$

Winter fairy tale

$65.60 $74.01

Send to Bulgaria bouquet of white and red flowers
Save 2.80$

Bouquet in white and red

$48.22 $51.02