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Bouquets of lilies Send bouquets of lilies and greenery.

When you choose a gift, you always have to comply with the recipient and the occasion. Tenderness and beauty are always appreciated when we choose a bouquet or a gift for a woman.

We offer classic and unique bouquets of aromatic lilies in pink or white hues, round or elongated in shape, small or enourmous, accented with fresh greenery and ornamental elements.

34.68$ 128.28$

Send a bouquet of white lilies and red roses.

Passionate odyssey


Cynthia - bouquet of roses and lilies



Send bouquet of pink lilies to Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas.
Save 3.30$


$54.50 $57.81

Delicate bouquet of pink lilies and roses
Save 3.30$

Bouquet in pink color

$78.73 $82.03

Send bouquet of roses and lilies - Fiona



Online order and flower delivery
Save 2.75$

Island for two people in love

$61.66 $64.41

Flower delivery - flower bouquets for people in love.

In love


Send a bouquet of pink flowers by courier
Save 1.65$


$49.55 $51.20

Original flower delivery by courier
Save 2.75$

Good impression

$67.17 $69.92

Order online a bouquet of roses and lilies



A bouquet of lilies - The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden


Flower delivery - a bouquet of roses and lilies - Kasablanca
Save 4.40$


$118.37 $122.77

Send a bouquet of flowers by courier



Send to Bulgaria a bouquet of white lilies
Save 4.40$

White bird in the night

$76.53 $80.93

Send a bouquet of roses and lilies.
Save 3.30$


$83.13 $86.44

Luxuriant bouquet of pink lilies and white roses.
Save 1.65$


$83.13 $84.78

Bouquet of pink flowers flower delivery to Bulgaria
Save 4.40$

A bouquet in pink color

$84.23 $88.64

An order and flower delivery - a bouquet of lilies - Satin
Save 4.40$


$80.93 $85.33

Send a bouquet of white roses, white lilies and greenery.
Save 2.20$

White hug

$98.55 $100.75

Send a bouquet of pink roses and lilies
Save 5.51$


$128.28 $133.78

A charming bouquet of fresh flower
Save 3.85$


$55.33 $59.18

Send a bouquet of lilies by courier to the recipeint's address
Save 2.20$


$80.93 $83.13

An order and flower delivery - white lilies by courier

White lilies stems
