Choose a classic bouquet of roses, perfect for all occasions. Impressive bouquet, which expresses sensuality and tenderness. The combunation with white gypsphila and greenery is sure to bring the effect of this lovely bouquet.
With sending pink roses you will show your affection for someone you care about, you love, you believe and feel happy.
You can choose the number of the roses in the bouquet - from the options on the right side of the picture. The bouquet, you see, is made of 7 pink roses and greenery. The price is for 5 stems of roses and greenery.
Tip - The number of the roses in the bouquet is significant. 5, 7 or 9 roses say "Hello|, 12 roses are symbol of gratitude, a bouquet of 25 roses means "congratulations.", 51 roses express dedication and love without bounds, but 101 roses - "You are my only one" :)
Product contents: 5x Pink rose 60cm 1x Gypsophila (Baby's Breath) 1x Wrap and greenery
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