Beautiful, classic bouquet of red roses, gypsophila, greenery and wrapping. A complete and perfect arrangement that will delight someone special for you.
You can choose the number of the roses in the bouquet - from the options on the right side of the picture having in mind the occasion - an anniversary of first date, a wedding anniversary, the anniversary of someones birth.
Tip: For a more lasting freshness of the flowers, change the water in the glass vase every day. Roses like water and for this reason put them in deep vase with much water.
The bouquet, you see, is made of 7 red roses and greenery! The price is for 5 stems of roses and greenery. You can choose the number of the roses in the bouquet - from the options on the right side of the picture.
Product contents: 5x Red rose 60cm 1x Gypsophila (Baby's Breath) 1x Wrap and greenery
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