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Send flowers and bouquets of roses to Plovdiv

Sun over the city


Bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses, white gypsopfila and lush folliage. The yellow roses are the symbol of friendship, of mutual assistance.

The bouquet is arranged with 7 yellow roses and greenery. The price is for 5 stems of roses and greenery. You can choose the number of the roses in the bouquet from the options on the right side of the picture.

Delight friends and relatives with this sunny bouquet.

Tip:To keep the roses fresh for a longer period of time, trim them every day by reducing the length of the handles with about 1-2 cm. Cut at an angle of 45 degree

Product contents:
5x Yellow rose 60cm
1x Gypsophila (Baby's Breath)
1x Wrap and greenery

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