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Send bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums - Rivera


62.78$ 68.15$

To send a gift - a bouquet of flowers with or without another gift is necessary, especailly if you want to make a gift for a member of your family or loved ones. It's not difficult to select the bouquet, but if you wish the selected bouquet to fit the recipient or the occasion, you should consult with our florists from the flower shop.

We offer this beautiful bouquet as a gift for Birthday or for Nameday, for the parents, for the colleagues or for the business partners.

Classic bouquet of chrysanthemums and roses, it will change the day of your loved ones. Beauty, impressive combination of flowers and colours, calmness and dedication, all these in one modern bouquet!

Product contents:
7x Red rose 60cm
6x Green chrysanthemum
2x Wrap and greenery

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